Chronic Pain

''Depicting the restless darkside inside housing all the anger that resides whitin humanity, using symbolic imagery and depictions of wild animals''
Motion Painting + Soundtrack
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Chronic pain was first ideated when I had an enlightening experience regarding my own prejudice. I discovered how we all have some kind of repressed anger inside that we project on people that look or behave a certain way. Imagining how it would look like in the inner worlds of our subconscious, the effort to draw Chronic Pain was started, just with the idea of unleashing repressed anger. The giant figure holds an axe in one hand and a burning heart in other, the axe representing weapons of destruction and the burning heart, the pain that fuels the anger to use the weapon. His head is set aflame to represent the state of blood frenzy warriors into and can think only about destruction. The giant represents mankind’s possessive attitude towards land and how it goes to fight without thinking resembling our primal fight or flight responses. The mandril and snake represent unknown dangers, lurking in our subconscious. We mostly fear the idea of things more than what they truly are. These two giant creatures represent all the bad attributes we assign to things that we do not know and fear and come to fight as a first response. Behind them runs water to represent the subtle nature of these subconscious forces, mostly hiding deep inside us not visible until you look deep inside In Front of them stands a mountain with many watch towers that are set aflame. The towers represent mankind’s civilization and advancement which is set ablaze in the process of war. Although the giant warrior is fighting the forces of evil, the civilization is already destroyed. In front of all these a skeleton is leading a dead mermaid horse that is carrying a skull, the leading skeleton is carrying a white flag with a scythe drawn on it. This image was baffling to myself as well, because I do not know what I am drawing as I am drawing them, and I contemplate the drawing after it is finished. I came to the conclusion that the skull with the blue halo is representing the more subtle forces of subconscious that guide us. And the skull with the red halo represents our more material and conscious side. Although it seems as the red skull is the one that is riding the horse of death and we are starting wars consciously, it is our subconscious nature that is really the one that is leading the horse and has the reigns in its hand. The sacred lamb, represents the mercy and hope, showing itself in the midst of chaos and offering a glimpse of hope to the desperate war ridden people or victims of anger in general. The music on this track is an original riff I had written years ago and didn’t find a use for. After the animation was done, I immediately thought of putting some music on the riff was what felt natural for it.


The drawing was made in an improvisational manner, after a transcendent experience of mine seeing Shiva in a state of meditation.The color palette is inspired by nature and wants to encapture the rejuvenation of water mixed with the sturdiness with the skies in the mostly blue palette. The piece was created using a Wacom Intuos Draw drawing tablet, 100 percent digitally. It was minted on as the second piece of the Razmard collection. 5 editions were minted and the initial price was listed as 0.033 ETH.


By buying this NFT you agree that:

  • The artist can use the liking of the artwork in exhibitions, his own social media and online presence and etc.

  • You can use the liking of the artwork in case of making derivatives, private prints (for your own use), and considering fair use in your own creative projects.

  • You cannot resell the liking of the artwork.

Disclaimer:The piece was sold on opensea for 0.111 eth but after it got removed , and was reminted on my own contract and air dropped to it's holder.

© 2022 by Razmard. All rights reseverd.